Sunday, August 16, 2009

Untapped Energy in Quantum of 275 Thousand TeraWatts-Hour

It sure does sound like a big a number. Yes, neither am I in a crazy mood nor Edison to reveal these numbers for the first time to be mocked at. This is the amount of renewable energy which can be generated from the concentrating solar rays. And guess what how much does earth need today. A mere fraction of this! 16 TERAWATT-HOURS!

Now, let’s go through some information which has been elusive.

Solar energy is not the cheapest way to generate electricity. The initial setup costs run into thousands of dollars per sq. m. A concentrating solar plant setup contains parabolic mirrors (as hard that you could possibly play drums on it) arranged in long rows and in millions. Black ceramic pipes with oil run all through these mirror rows kept at focal point distance from these mirrors. As the first sun rays hit the pipes(insulated by air) the oil in these pipes get heated. Oil temperatures are raised upto 400 degrees centigrade. This heat energy is used to convert water into steam which runs turbines. The process of turbines is pretty familiar and needs no explanation.

One problem is what to do at night?

Use the energy to store heat in molten salt. And, in the evening use the same heat for water into steam, turbine process.

Germany and Spain are the smarter countries where there is abundant sun light and they have used resource wisely. The plant in southern Spain, known as Andasol 1, began operating last November and now provides 50 megawatts of power, enough electricity to supply 50,000 to 60,000 homes year-round. Andasol 2 will come online later this summer, with Andasol 3 already under construction. When the entire Andasol complex is completed in 2011, it is expected to generate enough electricity to power 150,000 households — about 600,000 people. This information sure should come in Ripley’s Believe It or Not.

Researchers at the German Aerospace Center have estimated that 16,000 square kilometers of solar thermal power plants in North Africa — paired with a new infrastructure of high-voltage, direct-current transmission lines — could provide enough electricity for all of Europe.

Countries like Spain and Germany have utilized their expertise, money and resources to create greener environments. We won’t find many high rises in these countries rather boring old houses with brilliant green technology use. Oil price was increased in Iran in 1979 and America responded with millions of cars parked outside gas stations, songs like Bomb Iran by Vince Vance being sung. Today with a new president Barack Obama and new perspective the Democrats have promised to increase the use of Renewable energy by 25%. Currently 11% of America is run on renewable energy which are Concentrating Solar, PhotoVoltaic cells, Wind Energy, Geothermal, Hydro and Biomass fuel.

If you are home owner this is the minimum you can do. Throw away those fancy electricity guzzling water heaters. Install solar panels on rooftops and harness energy for free heated water.

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