Sunday, August 16, 2009

Untapped Energy in Quantum of 275 Thousand TeraWatts-Hour

It sure does sound like a big a number. Yes, neither am I in a crazy mood nor Edison to reveal these numbers for the first time to be mocked at. This is the amount of renewable energy which can be generated from the concentrating solar rays. And guess what how much does earth need today. A mere fraction of this! 16 TERAWATT-HOURS!

Now, let’s go through some information which has been elusive.

Solar energy is not the cheapest way to generate electricity. The initial setup costs run into thousands of dollars per sq. m. A concentrating solar plant setup contains parabolic mirrors (as hard that you could possibly play drums on it) arranged in long rows and in millions. Black ceramic pipes with oil run all through these mirror rows kept at focal point distance from these mirrors. As the first sun rays hit the pipes(insulated by air) the oil in these pipes get heated. Oil temperatures are raised upto 400 degrees centigrade. This heat energy is used to convert water into steam which runs turbines. The process of turbines is pretty familiar and needs no explanation.

One problem is what to do at night?

Use the energy to store heat in molten salt. And, in the evening use the same heat for water into steam, turbine process.

Germany and Spain are the smarter countries where there is abundant sun light and they have used resource wisely. The plant in southern Spain, known as Andasol 1, began operating last November and now provides 50 megawatts of power, enough electricity to supply 50,000 to 60,000 homes year-round. Andasol 2 will come online later this summer, with Andasol 3 already under construction. When the entire Andasol complex is completed in 2011, it is expected to generate enough electricity to power 150,000 households — about 600,000 people. This information sure should come in Ripley’s Believe It or Not.

Researchers at the German Aerospace Center have estimated that 16,000 square kilometers of solar thermal power plants in North Africa — paired with a new infrastructure of high-voltage, direct-current transmission lines — could provide enough electricity for all of Europe.

Countries like Spain and Germany have utilized their expertise, money and resources to create greener environments. We won’t find many high rises in these countries rather boring old houses with brilliant green technology use. Oil price was increased in Iran in 1979 and America responded with millions of cars parked outside gas stations, songs like Bomb Iran by Vince Vance being sung. Today with a new president Barack Obama and new perspective the Democrats have promised to increase the use of Renewable energy by 25%. Currently 11% of America is run on renewable energy which are Concentrating Solar, PhotoVoltaic cells, Wind Energy, Geothermal, Hydro and Biomass fuel.

If you are home owner this is the minimum you can do. Throw away those fancy electricity guzzling water heaters. Install solar panels on rooftops and harness energy for free heated water.

Friday, June 26, 2009

12 Commandments in a Bachelor’s Life – it’s a Freak On

1. Thou shall not make credit card your girlfriend (she puts you in a comfort zone)

2. Thou shall not make a sports bar your home during UEFA, FIFFA, World Cup, etc. (Cricket included too)

3. Thou shall distinguish yourself from boring men and shall wear more of wacky casuals at work (what will girls look at otherwise?!)

4. Thou shall not be lazy and do laundry on your own (can appoint a washing machine)

5. Thou shall stay fit and not put on scotch or beer fat (avoid seeing last few minutes of Boston Legal)

6. Thou shall not buy a two seater Peugeot car but a simple four seater Honda (Peugeot is swankier)

7. Thou shall learn to dance just in case

8. Thou shall not limit life to Nintendo and Xbox 360

9. Thou shall not depend on pizza, chips and coke for dinner

10. Thou shall make sure not to ogle at a hot girl passing by

11. Thou shall not laugh at the plight of married friends (Pss. its unavoidable)

12. Thou shall follow The Guy Code by Barney Stinson(its Legen…………………….dary)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Allegria by Cirque Du Soleil

My morning begins lazily with a shave after a week. Today Cirque Du Soleil is performing in town and our company has a single VIP pass for the show. To those unfamiliar with CDS, it started as a street performing troupe in Quebec city, eastern Canada. It debuted on the big scene in the entertainers' festival in 1982 with a group of young street performers. Its 5:00 pm and I am ready to head to the event wearing a green striped sailor shirt and dark brown quadros. The show starts at 20:30 but all of us with free passes are forced to head early to accept our individual loyalty felicitations.

Being a distributor’s event I get to meet the individual product manager’s in their best suits and their best moods. Free flowing drinks and delicious savories are generally the highlights of such an event and speaking to my business colleagues I realize they have no clue of CDS but are there in this event just for the food and wine. I would not use names to avoid local bashing but every party like this has a Star, Flirt, Bar sitting Drunkard and a Foodie. Being new to all this, yet, I jeopardize terming myself a Foodie. Probably, being the youngest at this event I don’t mix with the crowd too well but sit in the corner due to the maturity difference with a glass of wine, a duck starter and garlic chocolate croissant analyzing everyone’s mood, seeing each type of people listed above laughing within. After useful socializing we all head to our seats for the show.

The stage is probably smaller than one our very own Indian Jumbo Circus uses and I see the senior clown beginning with a frown and signaling the organizers that they have been slow.

The crowd starts. Wow. Loud thundering synchronous symphony claps. I am surprised with their popularity. I join the crowd. The band marches through the crowd. Centre stage the lead singer melodiously greets “Allegria, Welcome to Cirque du Soleil, Let the show begin!” The troupe consists of clowns, acrobats, muscle men, slender women and kids. Each one of them has a mask or has painted his face. It is difficult to distinguish whether it’s a man or woman performing. Second round of performance men jump from here and there; over someone on Russian bars. The clowns were a sight. A particular contortion act of two Mongolian girls I just can’t forget. It seemed they did not have bones and were made of cartilage! To sum it all the show was a fabulous one. One feels a fresh rush of fresh blood flowing through the veins after seeing such a show, Mark explains. It’s natural.

I probably was the lucky few to witness Cirque Du Soleil. I am told that business schools do a report on this troupe. I return home at 12:00 am, change clothes and go through the bag they gave us. I read the published manual. I reach the last page - Infiniti are proud sponsors. I read the contents. It says

“What do you think Allegria is? Not every child on the street will get to see this performance. It is a rallying cry to display their fervor. It is an inspiring display of strength, grace and ability!”

A feel of fresh blood flowing through my veins! I understand what Mark meant.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gold: A Commodity every Woman Must Fear!

Glittering diamond set in gold is every woman perfect dream. It is this dream to fulfill drives many men and women crazy. This herald is to slow down the pace of those many a man and woman.

Lets begin by going to where it all starts!

Apaza starts his morning chewing cocoa leaves, mumbling a prayer in his native Quechua language; begins descending a 17000 feet icy tunnel at one of the Peruvian Andes. He crawls down the passage slowly, fearlessly ignoring explosives, toxic gases, tunnel collapses just to extract tiny bits of gold ore as a unit workforce to meet global demands. He does this without pay like foolish than gutsy businessman to receive a paltry sum on the 31st day of the month; that is if he receives the ore. Called cachorreo- an ancient lottery system prevalent in the Andes guarantees you a sum at month end only if successful (if possible at work, it is every Managers dream come true).

Auric the chemical symbol for gold transcends beauty, power, wealth and fame; it has fueled many wars, wiped dynasties, destabilized economies, leveled land and forests. Every society through ages has invested in gold with an almost mythological power. Gold is said to bring immortal powers. A plenty of Chinese and English fables denote the mysterious power of gold.

Gold in present years has not lost any of its charm. It affects the present power force - stock markets heavily. Small fluctuations in price sways the indices nearly a percentage at the minimum. Peter Bernstein author of Power of Gold rightly says “Gold has this kind of magic. But it’s never been clear if we have gold – or gold has us”. Investors have become a little smarter and have taken a step further. They don’t run after physical gold now, but fund companies procuring the gold in a quest to make a quicker buck. In 2007 alone 53.5 Billion dollars worth of gold was sold. There are snail activist campaigns like “No Dirty Gold” in US persuading top jewelers to sell gold from mines that cause environmental and social damage.

In all of recorded information nearly 161000 tons of gold has been mined, only enough to fill two Olympic sized swimming pools of which half has been extracted in the past five decades. Now these precious deposits are fast depleting and gold is being reared from the fragile corners of the globe. The work force however doesn’t seem to have diminished. Large equipments so ironic to their name like the Caterpillar sized at 21 feet long and 43 feet high can nearly scoop of a mile wide pit of mud in non noticeable time. These gashes look like moon craters when viewed from space. Large gold mining companies bring in the Caterpillar and station them at places near dormant volcanoes or places where they find traces of copper which is always found with gold.

Gold mining generates more waste per ounce than any metal. Extracting a single ounce of gold – an equal amount for the wedding ring – requires removal of more than 250 tons of rock and ore. Newmont, a Denver based mining giant now operates over five continents, from lowlands of Ghana to uneven Andes. Companies like Newmont cause ecological destructions, forced relocations pushing the villagers further into the forest.

Manpower at an improvised and organized gold mine include boys not more than 15 years sluicing for gold. Four percent of Ghana is officially owned by mining companies. A gory figure of 25% of the gold hunger worldwide is satisfied illegally. Many miners at mines don’t officially exist. There are no payrolls – just cachorreo if you bring in gold ore. The lucky few miners can earn upto 3000 dollars per year. This is nearly equal to the amount of time he has lost in life breathing toxics. Mercury used for separating gold from rock accounts for one third of global mercury toxic waste. After torching a bag full of ore carried down from the high hilled mines a merchant at the base extracts 1.1 gms of gold barely enough to feed the miner for a day. The myth that gold brings immortality comes at the cost of the miner’s mortality.

Gold obsession in India is frenzied. China doesn’t stay too far in this race. It surpassed America consuming 363.3 tons. Indian figures stand at 773.6 tons (statistical data of 2007)! Even though a per capita income of less than 2700 dollars, Indians proudly are in love with gold more than money. Akshay Tritriya an auspicious gold buying day in the Hindu calendar gulped 49 tons of gold in a day. Gold among us is a symbol of independence and upward mobility.

It is not only that diamonds come from shedding blood. Gold has a similar origin!