Wednesday, December 10, 2008

e-Commerce on the World Wide Web

The planning of strategic giving needs to start with the generated motion. Through this post, I will set that generated motion to setup a thinking point for each one of you. The word release here is not to give away and state my opinions, rather to entice you to opine what you perceive, of what is put forward here by me.

Creating thinking motion does not mean manipulating or exploiting people, but it does mean recognizing their needs, fulfilling those needs and then offering people an opportunity to give back.

The generated kinetic energy of this discussion will be used set us into momentum; help one and all perceive the changes required, take part in production, development of what is needed.

The so called global world is really fast; it leaves us with morning time to savor flakes and milk both of which were processed in factories with an added boost of vitamins and, but naturally with preservatives. A major chunk of us head straight to work then with a personal aim for the day to strive and give the company we work in, something useful in return for that kinetic energy generated.

The web has made life easier for 1.4 billion users like you and me. It has created a platform to exercise our views, without the fear of being noticed.

Here is the object of the discussion. THE WORLD WIDE WEB and its convenience.
The world wide web (hereafter after called WWW), is a platform where one can express opinions, feel pain and pleasure, obtain knowledge, look for products after comparison and then source products.

The problem is here. We often use the WWW to obtain information on products we desire for but the trust factor to source and purchase them is low.

Here is a couple of points one should consider while makes purchasing on the WWW
1. Site selling counterfeit and bad quality products can be avoided by seeing the overall quality of the images, the look and feel of the website and how much the merchandiser has invested in making the website.
2. Look for logos of various authorized companies which brand the website and add safety. A few regular examples are Verisign Secured, HackerSafe, McAfeeSecure, CyberTrust, etc.
3. Avoid looking for sites selling cheaper version /cheaper products.
4. For payment methods try using third party payment websites like Pay Pal, Verisign Pay, DalPay. It guarantees and secures your payment by avoiding use of personal credit cards which otherwise could be stored and used for fraudulent means while transmitting data.

We often look for certain conveniences to speed up work and then we come up with a list of “I wish’s”….

1. I wish the product is delivered to me at cheap rates.
2. I wish I could avail of considerable discounts on products I purchase on a regular basis.
3. I wish I can purchase all my company needs through the website.

And the list can go on!

I request each one reading this blog wishing to comment on this and write an “I wish for ” along with.

And to end this blog with no relevance to what is written above a quote hired from one of quote websites. :)

“A selfish person chooses to betray and the person who thinks about common interest chooses not to.”


Varun said...

hey. ya i know i read a similar article sometime back. thats when i removed my apprehension of buying things online. i do many things online these days. apart from banking which is completely online, i do buy things. i recently even gifted a watch for a friend buying online, flowers and bouquets etc. It is really convenient, but as u said, lots of dos and donts to follow :)

Varun said...

To add a point to safe shopping online. We must be careful about the payment gateways.
Usually eshopping leads to redirection to a payment gateway that allows us to pay.
-> ensure that the payment gateway is a site which starts at https:// which means it is a registered secure network. Also makes sure that the sensitive credit card info sent is encrytped code that doest allow passive attacks on the data sent through the gateway.

Sainath Salian said...

Well to add that as mentioned earlier third party payment can be used like a payPal.. U dont have to trust any website. The third party payment site takes the responsibility.

Varun said...

"I wish for" a complete shopping experience online. like a shopping experience at say big bazaar where i can see, compare on variety of reasons visually and buy easier. the present ebay and the likes dont impress me too much than to just buy one item rarely.

prankster said...

I WISH to do my shopping just by one click coz am lazy to roam around for hours.

Shreyans Mehta said...

I wish to know if e-shopping is really safe even if ur own pc is infected with some trojan or virus?

Sainath Salian said...

Transactions made through your credit card are always insurance protected. If you could claim well in advance and not after you pay the credit card company helps you..